


Kids’ Mid-Week

Kids’ Mid-Week meets Wednesdays from 6:30-7:45pm! Through games, engaging activities, and age-appropriate Bible lessons, kids ages 4 through 6th grade get to know Jesus! For more information, contact

Family Sunday

Studies show that more than 70% of young people drop out of church after age 18. At Parkway Church, it is our heart’s desire to counter that trend with connection. Pastor David wants our children to know him not just as their parents’ pastor, but as their pastor as well, and that is what Family Sunday is all about. Family Sunday gives Pastor David the opportunity to connect with your kids on their level, with their needs in mind, and…

Breakfast in Bethlehem

Breakfast in Bethlehem is a highlight of the Christmas season at Parkway Church! Families have the opportunity to explore the account of Jesus’ birth in unique and fun ways, making crafts, singing songs, and enjoying a delicious breakfast together. Add this date to your calendar now, so you can be a part of this special encounter with the true meaning of Christmas!